

I shall observe the tenets of Tae Kwon Do.

I shall respect the instructors and seniors.

I shall never misuse Tae Kwon Do.

I shall be a Champion of freedom and justice.

I will build a more peaceful world.

Tenets of Tae Kwon Do

Courtesy - Ye Ui (AE)

Integrity - Yom Chi

Perseverance - In Nae

Self Control - Guk Gi

Indomitable Spirit - Backjul Boolgool

Student’s Creed

To build ourselves mentally and physically.

To build friendships among one another and be a strong group.

To never fight for selfish ends, but to develop might for right.


Master Han Kyu Yoon
(8th Degree Black Belt)

* Instructing since 1968.
* Korean National Champion '69.
* Police Department TKD Instructor.
* Military Academy Instructor.
* Korean Army Instructor
- Tiger Dev. in Viet Nam.
* One of the few Instructors who
- teaches at all levels.


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09_Chun-Ji-Hyung_______White High
08_Tan-Gun Hyung_____Yellow
07_To-San Hyung______Yellow High
06_Won-Hyo Hyung_____Green
05_Yul-Kok Hyung______Green High
04_Cgung-Gun Hyung___Blue
03_Toi-Gye Hyung______Blue High
02_Hwa-Rang Hyung____Red
01_Chung-Mu Hyung____Red High
